4962 S. Apopka-Vineland Road, Orlando, FL 32819
(407) 876-2771
(1/3 mile south of Windermere-Conroy Road)
IN PERSON AND LIVE STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES: Sunday Services at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Bible Class and Sunday School at 9:15 AM. Thursday Morning Bible Class at 10:00 AM.
Updated Friday, March 21, 2025.
Dear Friends in Christ,
For those worshiping online, for direct access to our You Tube channel, click here or search for christ the king lutheran church orlando. You can then subscribe to the channel to find it easier in the future.
Lent Services: Midweek 2, on Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00 PM.
Please Join us this Sunday, March 23, for our Sunday worship services at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. The service folder is attached here. Our Sunday announcements are attached here.
Save the date for VBS 2025: June 16 – 20, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. Registration forms are attached here.
The CTK PreSchool is accepting registrations for the 2025-2026 school year. If you know of any family interested in having their child attend, please have them email Mrs. Havens at whavens@ctkpreschool.net or call the church office at 407-876-2771. To fill out enrollment forms, the PreSchool’s website is ctkpreschool.net.
All of our Adult Bible Classes and Sunday School (immediately following Fellowship) will be on Facebook and YouTube, as well as in Barnabas Hall. May God bless your day.
Your Servant in Christ,
Pastor Tim
Facebook: Christ the King Lutheran Church and Preschool
Instagram: @ctkorlando
Pastor: Rev. Timothy C. Brown
Cell Phone: 636-744-9044
Office Phone: 407-876-2771
Office Email: ctklc407@gmail.com
Pastor – Timothy C Brown, revtcbrown@att.net
Secretary – Karen Fischetti, ctklc407@gmail.com
President – Ed Dorsey, edorsey0@hotmail.com
Music Director – Sue Natoli
Organist – Mindy Reeth
Jeff Burton, Chairman
Jeff Brinkmann Fred Hintzman
Sammy Khandasammy Don Rathmann
Ed Dorsey, President, edorsey0@hotmail.com
Nikole Scott, Recording Secretary
Kathleen Sharman, Financial Secretary
Don Weschler, Treasurer
Joe Kolb and John Weed, Directors of Building & Grounds
Doug Gehret, Director of Youth
Sue Natoli, Director of Music & Fine Art
Jonathan Hetz, Director of Evangelism
Ashley Johnson, Director of Public Relations
Cheryl Branciforte, Director of Social Ministry
Wendy Havens, Director
Kim Martinez, VPK Lead
Lesley Arteaga, VPK Lead
Carol Delgado, 3’s Lead
Gena Baker, 2’s Lead
Kimber Wetherill, Assistant Teacher