Women on the King’s Mission will be starting their 12th year serving the Lord at Christ the King, in our community and around the globe.
Continuing through Easter Sunday (April 17), we will be collecting monies for our neighbors in Ukraine. Families are leaving behind everything they own and fleeing for their safety. They need immediate aid including food, water, shelter, clothing and medical care. Your emergency gift will deliver urgent support and care, like critically needed items for families who fled their homes, and medicine and supplies for clinics. Any amount small or large will be greatly appreciated. Monetary donations may be placed in the white box on the side shelf in the narthex. These funds will be sent to Lutheran World Relief to be used in Ukraine Relief. Please make all checks payable to “Christ The King Lutheran Church.“
LWML will also be collecting toiletry items for kits to be taken to the Ronald McDonald House. These kits are for the parents who may have to suddenly stay at the Ronald McDonald House while their child is staying overnight in the hospital nearby. The items needed for these kits include travel size shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. These items may be brought in during March, April and May, and placed in the marked box in the Bride’s Room. Many thanks for your help with this project.
Our meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM, if you’d like to be a part of the CTK LWML.
Click on the CONTACT US tab if you would like more information or if you are interested in join this amazing group of women.